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Calendly tutorial

How to Block Off Days and Time in Calendly: A Complete Guide

In this guide, we will walk you through how to block off entire days and specific hours in Calendly and also How to Block Off Time for Specific Events in Calendly so you can stay organized and avoid conflicting meetings.

How to Block Off Days and Time in Calendly

How to Block Off Entire Days in Calendly

Blocking off entire days can be useful when you want to take a break from meetings or need a personal day without having to manually mark each time slot as unavailable. To block off days in Calendly, go to Availability> List View > Add Date-Specific Hours, select the days to block, click the ‘X’, then click Apply.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide for this:

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Block Days on Calendly

  • Navigate to the ‘Availability’ Tab: On the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on the “Availability” tab. This is where you can manage all your time and Availability settings in Calendly.
  • Add Date-Specific Hours: Under the Availability tab, click on the “Add Date-Specific Hours” button. This option allows you to specify days or periods when you want to be marked as unavailable.
  • Choose the Date(s) to Block: Choose specific dates you want to block off.
  • Click on “X” to mark them unavailable: After selecting your dates, you can block off the entire day by clicking the “X” next to the available time slots. This will ensure no one can book you during that time.
  • Click Apply: Once you have selected the date(s) and adjusted the time intervals, click the “Apply” button to save your changes.

Here are some screenshots showing how to block days on calendly ​to make it easier for you to understand.

Click on Availability on Calendly
Click on Availability
Click on "Date-specific hours."
Click on “Date-specific hours.”
Click on X to mark the days unavailable in Calendly
Click on the “X” and then click on apply

Why Use Date Overrides?

Date overrides are a way to make sure you’re not available during specific periods. For example, if you’re going on vacation or have personal commitments, this feature allows you to completely block out those days without affecting your regular schedule.

Check out this comparison of “Reclaim AI vs Calendly.

How to block off time in calendly

To block off time in Calendly, go to Availability> List View > Add Date-Specific Hours, select the time slots to block, click the ‘X’ to mark them unavailable, and then click Apply.

Step-by-step guide on How to make time unavailable in Calendly

  • Navigate to the ‘Availability’ Tab: In your Calendly dashboard, click on the “Availability” tab on the left sidebar to access your time settings.
  • Add Date-Specific Hours: Under the Availability tab, click the “Add Date-Specific Hours” button. This allows you to block specific time slots.
  • Select the Date(s) and Time: A calendar will appear. Choose the date(s) for which you want to block off specific time slots. Then, select the time periods you want to make unavailable.
  • Click the “X” to Mark as Unavailable: Once you’ve selected the desired time, click the “X” next to the available hours to mark them as unavailable.
  • Click Apply: After blocking the time, click “Apply” to save your changes. Your selected time slots will now be unavailable for booking.

Check out this list of Calendly pros and cons.

How to Block Off Time for Specific Events in Calendly

Calendly also lets you block off specific time slots for certain events. This feature is helpful when you need to manage Availability for different types of meetings (like focusing on a personal project or conducting one-on-one sessions).

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Go to the Event Type: From your Calendly dashboard, click on the Event Type you want to adjust. For instance, if you’re running multiple types of events (like consultations or team meetings), you can set different Availability for each.
  2. Access Schedule Settings: Once inside the event page, click on “Schedule Settings” in the options menu.
  3. Select Available Hours: Under schedule settings, locate the “Available Hours” section. This is where you can specify when you’re available for this particular event.
  4. Set Date-Specific Hours: To block out time for a specific event, click on the “Date-specific hours” option. You will now be able to adjust the hours you’re available for this specific event, independent of your overall Availability.
  5. Adjust Availability: Select the exact time slots you want to block for that event. For example, you could reserve the entire morning for focused work or set specific hours for meetings.
  6. Save Changes: Once you’ve made the adjustments, Click on Apply to save the changes.

Benefits of Date-Specific Hours:

Date-specific hours are particularly useful when you want to customize your Availability based on specific events or circumstances. For example, you may only want to be available for client consultations between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on certain days or perhaps reserve mornings for project-focused work. This way, you can maintain flexibility without interrupting your overall Availability.

Read this comparison of Motion vs Calendly.

Why Blocking Off Days and Time in Calendly is Important

  • Avoiding Overlaps: Even with the best planning, things can sometimes overlap. By blocking off specific days or hours, you can avoid double-booking and keep control over your calendar.
  • Personal Time: Blocking off entire days lets you reserve time for personal activities, vacations, or sick days, so you don’t have to worry about clients or coworkers scheduling meetings during your time off.
  • Focused Work: By blocking off specific hours, you ensure that you have uninterrupted time for deep work or important meetings that need your full attention.

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